Tips & Tricks

4 Rules for Managing Quilting Fabric Scraps

I’ve been working on a lot of quits lately and let’s be honest: they generate lots of fabric scraps. I recently transitioned to a color sorting system for my fabric scraps using a toy organizer I grabbed off Amazon. This storage and sorting system has been a game changer for me and really allows me to see what colors of scraps I have a lot of. But I still had to implement some rules to manage my scraps so they don’t get out of hand because I find that I like to keep tiny scraps that I will never ever use and then get very overwhelmed.

Top 5 Tips for Easily Organizing Quilting Fabric Scraps

If you love to sew or quilt, let’s face it: Scraps Happen. It really is inevitable since every project you make creates fabric scraps of some sort. One of the biggest challenges is how to store and organize all these scrappy fabric leftovers as they accumulate. Some sewers keep only the larger pieces, while others choose to save even the tiniest piece. Everyone has their own system, but the challenge stays the same: how to keep the scraps in order and easily accessible.