IOFAT Creative Convos with Tom B. of The Colour Blind Quilter

I originally connected with Tom B. of The Colour Blind Quilter via Instagram. Tom began quilting many years ago but started his blogging and Youtube journey in January 2020. He shares his unique take and experiences as a colour-blind quilter releasing videos that share his journey as he grows as a quilter and creative. Read more about The Colour Blind Quilter below and be sure to check out how you can connect with Tom B. at the bottom of the post!

Please explain your main creative area.

I am a quilter, YouTuber, and wannabe quilt pattern designer.

Tell us about your business and what your favorite thing about your business is.

I’ve been a quilter for 12 years and have been in love with it from the start. My work background is in accounting, websites, video, social media, and marketing. I also teach singing and train other singing teachers which I feel give me a unique set of skills to help me run this business.

I want to share my journey in the hope that it might help someone to be inspired to make the quilt they want to make. But also, to help share solutions to the frustrations that held me back.

I finally decided in January 2020 after a year of indecision that I was going to start a YouTube channel, website, and Instagram profile. I wanted to share my unique take and experiences as a colour-blind quilter releasing videos that share my journey as I grow (as well as some patterns I plan to design).

I make videos about building skills, solving problems, busting myths and anything else that I can think of.

My favourite part of the business is being creative! I love making quilts and blocks, filming, video editing, writing patterns and finding ways to use to help people to love their quilting journey.

What has been your favorite make or creation so far?

I don’t know if I could narrow it down to just one! I think maybe the first-ever paper template quilt made that I tested for Ahhh Quilting. I wasn’t sure about my colours when I started to make the quilt. It was a rainbow pattern, but I opted for just 3 plus background, but I think it turned out to be one of my favourite things I’ve made and does get a lot of compliments when I use it as a video backdrop.

What is one tip you'd recommend to someone just getting started in your creative area?

My advice would be to do what you want to do that works for you. There is so much good (and bad) information advice out there, but once you have the basics, do what works for you and not just because someone says so.

Oh, and participate in the community online, there are so many amazing people out there sharing the most incredible things, let it inspire you and take you on your journey.

What are 3 words you'd use to describe your creative style?

    1. Colorful
    2. Quirky
    3. Messy

Do you have an upcoming make, launch, or project that you are excited about?

I have three projects that are really exciting for me just now.

I launched a quilting series called “This Is How You Quilt It”, which is trying to help people finish their projects. I feel like we don’t know how to finish our quilts a lot of the time. We worry about ruining them, or we can’t visualise what a design will look like on our quilt. This is why I created this series.

I’m sharing 21 fast and easy quilting designs to help take some of the anxiety out of finishing quilts. In each video, I also look at digital examples of quilts quilted with this design so that people can understand how the design works and could look on a quilt.

I’m also releasing an accompanying book with all these designs plus nine additional new designs. I’m trying to create a valuable resource for people to help them with their projects.

Season 2 of my Behind the Block Series starts on May 6, 2022. In the sew-along, we’re building skills by making different blocks. In Season 1, we focused on squares and rectangles, and in Season 2, we are looking at triangles and geese. There are 14 videos in the series, and you end up with a beautiful sampler quilt. Which you can quilt using my “This Is How You Quilt It” series ☺.

Finally, my Skill Builder Videos. These are about building skills by making a quilt. I believe there are five skills we need to be good quilters: cutting, piecing, pressing, quilting and finishing.

I’ve designed videos and patterns to help build skills through the repetition of making a full-sized quilt. I am a singing teacher, and I understand how people build skills. I want to use this understanding to help people with their quilting abilities. Every video has step-by-step instructions and a pattern to purchase that accompanies the video.

What is one skill (either craft related or not) that you wish you knew how to do?

Not sure if it counts but I took piano lessons for 8 years when I was a kid and I wish I hadn’t stopped when I went to university. I’d love to get back into classical piano. I love a bit of Chopin or Debussy ☺. That or knitting, no matter how much I try I never quite get it.

What would your high school superlative be? (Most likely to...)

My high school superlative was most likely to be starring in my own production of Riverdance. I started Irish dancing in 1994 and was slightly obsessed with it. I used to religiously practice for at least 2 hours every day! But if not I think it would be something relating to quilting.

What's the oddest food you've ever tried and did you like it?

I think the oddest thing I remember eating was a deep-fried mars bar. It was gooey and warm but covered in crunchy salty batter. It was nice but a few bites were enough as it was very sickly.

If you had to lose one of your five senses, which one would you give up and why?

As a singer, not my hearing! I couldn’t imagine not being able to hear music. I think maybe smell. I’d be fine with not being able to smell things.

Lastly, where can the readers connect with you and see more of your work?

The places I’m most active would be:

IOFTA Creative Convos are bi-monthly short Q&A style blog posts that allow me, Katherine, to share other wonderful creatives and small business owners in not only the quilting space but in the creative fiber arts and textile space.

The goal is to provide a seat at the table for all types of small business creatives and to introduce my community to businesses that they may not have connected with yet.

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