IOFAT Creative Convos with Kristie S. of KS Quilt Design

I originally connected with Kristie S. of KS Quilt Design via Instagram. Kristie helps create one-of-a-kind quilts (think custom quilts and memory quilts). From baby to bed sized, classic to contemporary, monochromatic or colorful, she collaborates with her clients to create the quilt of their dreams. Read more about KS Quilt Design below and be sure to check out how you can connect with Kristie S. at the bottom of the post!

Please explain your main creative area.

I am a quilt designer/maker. (Specifically she creates lots of t-shirt style memory quilts for clients.)

Tell us about your business and what your favorite thing about your business is.

Most of my business is the design and creation of memory quilts using whatever items people send to me. I don’t often get to see the initial reaction to a quilt but getting to see (or hear about) the overwhelming emotions that people have when they first see all of their memories put together in a quilt is by far my favorite thing about what I do.

What has been your favorite make or creation so far?

My favorite creations are always those that I make for my family. It is a tangible way that I can show them how much I care

What is one tip you'd recommend to someone just getting started in your creative area?

Don’t try to be perfect. I have never made a quilt that I don’t see some small imperfection and that’s OK. That’s what make it handmade.

What are 3 words you'd use to describe your creative style?

    1. Organized
    2. Clean
    3. Versatile

Do you have an upcoming make, launch, or project that you are excited about?

Yes! I am planning to create and release a quilt pattern and I’m looking forward to the challenge!

What is one skill (either craft related or not) that you wish you knew how to do?

I have always wanted to be able to play piano.

What would your high school superlative be? (Most likely to...)

          Most Likely to Nap!

What's the oddest food you've ever tried and did you like it?

I tried octopus when I was in grade school and it didn’t taste like anything so what’s the point?!?

If you had to lose one of your five senses, which one would you give up and why?

I would give up smell. I feel like I would miss it the least.

Lastly, where can the readers connect with you and see more of your work?

I have an Etsy shop (KSQuiltDesign) and a website ( I can also be found on Facebook (KS Quilt Design) and Instagram (@ksquilts).

Kristie books up fast, so be sure to reach out if you are looking to have a custom memory quilt made!

IOFTA Creative Convos are bi-monthly short Q&A style blog posts that allow me, Katherine, to share other wonderful creatives and small business owners in not only the quilting space but in the creative fiber arts and textile space.

The goal is to provide a seat at the table for all types of small business creatives and to introduce my community to businesses that they may not have connected with yet.

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