IOFAT Creative Convos with Beth Ann of Cozy Color Quilts

This week I am honored to speak with Beth Ann of Cozy Color Quilts!

Beth Ann shares about her quilt pattern writing journey and her recent shifted focus to designing quilt patterns that are appropriate to donate to Quilts for Kids, Inc. in PA. Through QAL & Donate events, any and all quilters are invited to join in, bring a friend, sew with other quilters, and donate their finished quilts to QFKs.

I hope you can connect with her story and are maybe even inspired to make a quilt to donate your self! Be sure to check out how you can connect with Beth Ann of Cozy Color Quilts and Quilts for Kids, Inc. at the bottom of the post. You can also purchase Beth Ann’s quilt patterns through her Etsy shop if you love one of her designs.

Please explain your main creative area.

My creative space is quilting. I began quilting when my children were very young as a much needed creative outlet. As I studied quilt patterns, they intrigued me. A few years ago I bought EQ8 to explore designing quilts. It wasn’t until fall of 2020 when I enrolled in a Quilter’s Candy course on how to write and sell quilt patterns. It was this opportunity that allowed my long time dream of designing quilt patterns to come true.

Today, I have an Etsy shop as space to sell patterns. Many times, though, my ideas outrun the pace of writing patterns! I guess that just means I’ll have plenty of patterns to share for years to come.

Tell us about your creative business and what your favorite thing about your business is.

As I began to write patterns and grow my business, a deep desire to do more nagged at my heart. I wanted more depth and meaning to the work. That’s when I turned to Quilts for Kids, Inc. I reached out to the founder and asked if they had an online group. The answer was no. That’s when Cozy Color Quilts started QAL & Donate Events. These events, offered about twice a year, run as a typical quilt along with the end goal of donating our quilts to Quilts for Kids, Inc. As the joy of designing and the passion for children began to mesh, my patterns began to be written with these events in mind.

So when I sit down to design, it is always a requirement to provide a quilt size appropriate for Quilts for Kids, Inc., along with multiple sizes for multiple purposes. My patterns range from mini quilts to bed size quilts as well as keeping them doable for any level of quilter.

Quilts for Kids, Inc. is an International non-profit charity with headquarters in PA. Their main focus and priority is to provide quilts to comfort children dealing with life threatening illness, trauma, abuse, and natural disasters. Their quilts have reached children across the USA & the world.

What has been your favorite make or creation so far?

I always find this question quite hard to answer. Each quilt is unique and lovely in it’s own way and usually has a story behind it. But I guess, if I had to pick one, it would be the Fairy Garden Quilt. I learned a new technique in writing this pattern which always opens a new world of design. This quilt also came together as the epitome of the look and feel I try to obtain.

What is one tip you'd recommend to someone just getting started in your creative area?

I definitely believe in planning and investigating all the details as well as educating yourself. However, there comes a point when you just need to start. You don’t have to have all the answers. Many times in life, we grow with our situations. I definitely have so much more room to grow! But at the same time, I’m doing what I love. And you can, too. Just go for it!

Also, I would stress not to compare yourself to others. Learn from them. Be inspired by others. But you do things your way. You have something to offer that no one else can.

What are 3 words you'd use to describe your creative style?

  1. Symmetrical
  2. Simple
  3. Warm

Do you have an upcoming make, launch, or project that you are excited about?

Yes!! There will be another QAL & Donate later this year as I typically host two a year. QAL & Donates have weekly prizes. You can join anytime…it’s never too late to help a child needing some extra comfort. This is one of those moments in life when the world won’t see your work. You won’t receive accolades. You won’t even become famous for what you’ve done. But your heart won’t care because of the true joy that comes the day you send your quilt to Quilts for Kids, Inc.! I invite you to join us and sincerely hope you will!

Also, for creative businesses, I’m always looking for sponsors for each event. If you’re interested in supporting this cause, please let me know!

What is one skill (either craft related or not) that you wish you knew how to do?

I wish I was an Olympic swimmer. It’s my favorite sport to watch every four years. They look as though they are effortlessly swimming. Unfortunately, my 5′ 1” stature would never be able to keep up with those 6’+ athletes even if I tried!

What would your high school superlative be? (Most likely to...)

Hmm, I guess “Most likely to get married first.” Although I wasn’t the first, I was at the beginning of the line. And it was the best decision I ever made. I can say that even 22 years later and still married to my best friend!

What's the oddest food you've ever tried and did you like it?

Wow. This is hard because I’m not very daring in trying new things! Maybe it’s fried calamari. I still can’t believe I’ve tried it. I first had it on our honeymoon. Perhaps that’s why I tried it…just trying to impress my new husband.

If you had to lose one of your five senses, which one would you give up and why?

My first thought was taste so that I would be forced to eat healthy. But, no, I just couldn’t do that! I guess I’ll say smell hoping that I could still taste.

Lastly, where can the readers connect with you and see more of your work?

You can find more details about my patterns and QAL & Donate events at You can also find me on Instagram @cozycolorquilts

IOFTA Creative Convos are bi-monthly short Q&A style blog posts that allow me, Katherine, to share other wonderful creatives and small business owners in not only the quilting space but in the creative fiber arts and textile space.

The goal is to provide a seat at the table for all types of small business creatives and to introduce my community to businesses that they may not have connected with yet.

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